Date Night In Dream Together Review

August was National Romance Month. As part of it, this MilMom scheduled a date on the calendar for this month. In an effort to carve out time to actually sit down together, we planned to do out Date Night In – Dream Together on a weeknight.

Like the last box, we received an email before the arrival of the date night box with a grocery shopping list and Spotify music list. The meal sounded fantastic and suggested sharing a bottle of sparkly Rose for the evening. Because it was a weeknight, we opted for bubbly water instead. But we did get a bottle of Rose to have on another night to relax and talk.


Like the last box, there was a pamphlet breaking down the contents of the box – noting the dinner menu (which we plan to make in the coming months, with a name like “Midsummer Night’s Dream Panzanella Salad caught this Shakespeare’s fan attention).  The menu page also had questions noted to discuss during dinner, including “what items on your bucket list are you most looking forward doing?” Bucket lists are kinda a MilMom thing!

Unboxing revealed a new candle holder – instead of a tea light with a smoky small vase, it was a small jar with a lid – compact and travel-ready with a vanilla scent. The snack included is a beef jerky – right up the military families alley!

The theme of the box is “Dream Together.”  With the military lifestyle of planning for the worst at times, drafting up wills and filling up our calendars with training dates, having positive things to reflect on, like our dreams in the financial, household and spiritual areas just to name a few, is welcome. The dream list is just that. It’s fun to take the time to think about these goals and share them.


The activity included in the box was creating a dreamcatcher. I have to admit that this was a point a frustration. The kit included all the parts, but the instructions were a little lacking. It took over an hour before we did a little mix of cat’s cradle and crafting – and it still does not look like the drawing. While the craft itself didn’t turn out to be picture worthy, it was a team-building exercise and ended up being kind of hilarious.

The inclusion of “Scattergories Dreams” was another hilarious exercise. It included a sheet in the back of alphabet letters to cut out to be chosen at random for each category. We opted to use Letter Dice to choose a random letter from A to Z for each letter pick.  The included categories were great talking points that we wouldn’t necessarily consider or talk about.

While I think this box did not meet up with the previous Date Night In box energy level and entertainment, this box touched on ideas that are important to any military family – open communication and goal setting for the family unit outside of the career goals. This was a nice focus and distraction in a busy season, and it was nice to schedule a date.

Since date nights can be rare, having a pre-planned evening in to share together monthly is a nice treat. A DNI subscription is one you can pause if for any reason you can’t do the dates …ahem, deployment.If you want to try it out for yourself – click here. We were given this box for free, but are not ambassadors for this company and do not earn commission on any purchases.

We plan to have a giveaway in the coming month or two (What!) so that you will receive your free dates in time for the holiday season – when more opportunities for dates (if your spouse is home) are available with 72s or 96s with the holidays.

Did you plan a special date for National Romance Month? What do you do to keep romance going throughout busy seasons?

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