Seabee Museum

During a school break this winter, we embarked on a California coastal road trip from San Diego Country to Monterey. On the way, we planned a stop at the US Navy Seabee Museum in Ventura County.

Located just outside the Naval Base Ventura County, also known as Port Hueneme, this museum boasts displays, opportunities for learning and wide open spaces for running for the littles. (Bonus: if you have base access, there is a playground just around the corner from the museum)

The mission of the Seabee Museum is to share and preserve the history of the Seabees – the Naval Construction forces that build and prepare for units across the globe. To get a Hollywood style run down on what the Seabees are, check out The Fighting Seabees featuring John Wayne. I grew up in a Seabee family, so while the museum has a personal meaning to me, as a mother of littles on a road trip, I was impressed with what they have to offer.

Seabee Museum Entrance

Prominently on display at the entrance of the museum are bricks. If you know of someone in your familial geneology who was in the Navy and part of the Seabee family, make sure to check and see if you can find their names on bricks lining the entry way. There are computers in the gift shop that you can look up names and find out their location.

Upon entering, a docent is available to provide any information that you want as well as a flyer and map deliniating what is on display.

Seabees Can Do

The entry way provided awe for the children and I in the size of the vehicles and the mural. A quick glimpse shares the all the ways the Seabees support their armed forces brother and sisters across the globe. What Americans and the Armed Forces do around the world is something that we want our military children to know and understand so they can understand what the whole impact their military parent has on the world, and this museum does it well.

Vehicle use as a recruiting tool during World War II

There is a lot of information to read and take in, but with little ones you probably won’t be able to read it all. The interactive parts of the museum will capture their attention, like the barber’s chair and

Below this guy is a chair for barber chair photo ops

You do not need base access to get to this museum. Free admission is on offer for all, and make sure to hit up the Seabee store for books on the history of the Navy, America and the Seabees as well as postcards and t-shirts to support this small mueum. It may be small, but it is mighty. The docents are friendly and kind, and the displays are well done and maintained.

Learning about the Seabee Queen

If you are making a road trip of the California coast, make sure to add this stop on your way. It isn’t direcly on a route but is well worth the stop for both the children and adults. We spent 4 hours here and the kids could have stayed longer, but we had to get on the road to start the drive further up north.

Looking to head to California for a trip? Check out our bucket list for not-to-miss locations in Southern California! Heading to the Monterey area – check out the Monterey bucket list here.

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