As a child who grew up in the military to my own military children, I have a soft spot for military kids. There is a lot that they go through that is unique to their journey. When I saw on Instagram that Shermaine was sharing her book about military children PCSing titled “I Move A Lot and That’s Okay” – I wanted to know more. She wrote about her own experience in the book – even writing one from the experience of a little boy, Axel, and one for girls – so each child has their own unique perspective heard through her story.
There are a lot of books for military families, and this one is unique to being for children and about the challenge that is PCSing. Having moved 3 times in 4 years, I know my military children feel this.
I wanted to learn more about Shermaine and her inspiration, so as it is done in this internet world – she answered some questions about herself and her journey as an author. Shermaine is passionate about helping others develop emotional intelligence and leadership skills. She is a proud military kid who spent most of her military kid journey overseas in Europe and the Middle East.
Tell us a little bit about your book, “I Move A Lot and That’s Okay”?
I Move A Lot and That’s Okay follows a bright-eyed girl in a military family as she shows the reader that she can embrace a new environment, language, and a different culture.She struggles to quickly adapt and make the best out of life far away from home. This book teaches kids how to emotionally cope with relocation and rapid change. The message of resilience and hope are universal ones that help children (ages 7 to 10) to overcome obstacles more easily. There is a boy version called “I Move A Lot and That’s Okay: Axel’s Story”.
What or who was the motivation behind it?
There are more than 1.6 million military kids in the United States. The average military child changes schools nine times between kindergarten and graduation. I wrote the book that she wanted as a child. “I Move A Lot and That’s Okay” is an inspiring and diverse story that highlights the social-emotional aspects of moving. This book supports social-emotional learning for military children and their peers.
What is like writing your own book?
It is an intense process. It’s exciting, frustrating and rewarding at the same time. Learning how to communicate your vision and intentions for the book is a detailed process.

What is your goal for people who read the book?
My goal is to promote social-emotional learning for military children and their peers. Recognized by NPR and Military Families Magazine, this book is a resource for children that struggle with rapid changes, and a conversation tool for teachers, counselors, and parents. It also helps children build their vocabulary with military terminology, explore geography and increase empathy. There is also a little introduction to Italian!
Favorite motivational quote?
“Whatever you think you can’t do, just know that there is someone who is confidently doing it wrong right now. They have no plans at doing it better either and people are paying them to do it. Please believe in your own excellence as much as they believe in their mediocrity.”
Favorite thing to do?
I love cooking, reading, and traveling.
Favorite place to live?
How do people purchase the book? Please consider purchasing a bulk order for your literacy program, school, or library. Also available online at Amazon (Axel’s Story and girls version), Target, Walmart or Barnes & Noble.

While I haven’t read the book with my girls yet, this storyline is relatable to military children around the world, especially as PCS season is underway. Consider checking out the book to support an author and help your children understand their own PCS journey. Not a military family? Consider getting it to understand what military children go through so you can support military children in your school or neighborhood.